Why Your Photos Look SO Bad on Facebook

Have you found that you hired a professional photographer to take wedding or maternity photos just to share them on Facebook and they look like crud? You think maybe it's just my phone, even though you just invested in the new iPhone 11 Pro because the camera and picture quality were supposed to be A1, but now you regret that extra investment when it can't even share a decent photo with friends and family without it being blurry. or maybe my photographer "lied" about the high resolution photos. Welp don't worry it's not your phone and it's definitely not your photographers fault. Facebook is a popular photo sharing platform, although the photo quality is not very good to say the least. Facebook works harder to post photos quicker rather than taking the time to upload in high quality to make them appear how they are supposed to. You may think it's just a lost cause, but it's easier to fix than you think!

The Quick Fix

  1. In your Facebook settings scroll down to the Media and Contacts and click Videos and Photos.
  2. From there check the Upload HD tab for both photos and videos or one or the other, whichever you prefer.
  3. I suggest closing and restarting Facebook to ensure the change takes effect.

And from there your photo quality will increase dramatically!

Happy Facebook-ing! :)